L'Imparfait: What is it, How to form it, Examples, Exercises
This PDF guide to the Imparfait has been designed by your French teacher in the South of France, Jennifer, with Love Learning Languages. You can trust Jennifer to explain French grammar the simple way! Click here to watch the video on the imperfect.
Included in this guide is a follow-up exercise that you will understand and master once you've watched the video and read through the guide. All answers as well as the translations are included so that you may check your work. UN GRAND MERCI for having watched the video and for investing yourself in this lesson. À bientôt!
Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh2TkqWEjiU
Email Jennifer directly at jenprof@hotmail.fr with any questions or comments that you have about the lesson or guide.